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Donnerstag, Januar 17, 2008

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Ein feines Stöckchen von Frau Jette, das dem Hübschen eine Abendbeschäftigung sichergestellt hat, wo ich doch lecker fettig arbeitsessen war.
Ich bin leider zuuuu müde zum Übersetzen des schönen Texts, das müsst ihr selber machen.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, originally uploaded by Prozac74.
Palm Beach, January 18th 2008: Hale-Bopp Records today announced the mind blasting debut of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): “This was not it”. This band will define a whole new genre: Mature Metal as we like to call it. So you are 65+, pissed off by your grandchildren who are just waiting for their bequest thinking you are an old fart who is still listening to Bruce Springsteen. Show them otherwise, shout “This was not it” in their little babyfaces, get out and get this album (or let your carer get it) and then regain the dancefloor.
CRPS should be enjoyed with your hearing aid turned off and your pace maker should be adjusted to the base drum (150 bpm).
Rock on!
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